Roeckl Malta Gloves | Product Review

My first pair of Roeckl gloves came to me five years ago via a barn’s lost and found. I was thrilled to snag a pair of almost brand new black gloves before the box went off to donation. Now, I own quite a few pairs, including my newest favorites, the Roeckl Malta Gloves. Basically the two-tonedContinue reading “Roeckl Malta Gloves | Product Review”

ACE Equestrian Belt | Product Review

  One of the coolest things about being a blogger and working in the equestrian media industry is getting to meet people and the products they create. On one of my latest excursions, I met the owner of ACE Equestrian, a small business based nearby in New England that I had seen circulating the areaContinue reading “ACE Equestrian Belt | Product Review”

Ax’s Leg Care Routine

I can admit to being a bit obsessive about my horse’s leg care. While Ax doesn’t often have very strenuous workouts, I’d rather play it safe than show up to a warm or puffy leg the next day. In my book, jumping, lessons, horse shows, and hunter paces are all activities that require wrapping andContinue reading “Ax’s Leg Care Routine”

Kensington Signature SuperMesh Medium Weight Turnout | Product Review

Ax has had the same 180 gram turnout, an ugly, red plaid no-name brand, since I got him in August of 2013. It used to fit him well, but as he filled out, it started to get wonky in the chest and just wasn’t looking so hot after four years. I am happy to reportContinue reading “Kensington Signature SuperMesh Medium Weight Turnout | Product Review”